Rexitivity: Answers Hidden In Time

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Unexplained mysteries, and other dimensions, are revealed by variable time. Rexitivity’s new discovery will impact the scientist and layman alike. It is a journey to a new world of understanding.

Rexitivity: a Revolutionary and Inspiring Theory of Time
Time is actually a three dimensional bubble we walk around in. It determines how big or small is our space; and how much activity we get done. We cannot go back in time as H.G. Wells imagined, for it continually moves forward towards one of its two masters; light and gravity. Accelerating towards Light speed makes our bubble of time and space larger, and standing in gravity makes our bubble of time and space smaller. They are in a continual tug of war, pulling or pushing our bubble of time around; but always forward into change. Time never stays constant!

Rexitivity: a Revolutionary and Inspiring Theory of Time

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